Valentine's Day Ideas

Hey there, Beautiful Boss Babes! It seems there’s something in the air. Something reminiscent of sugar, spice, and sweet, sweet romance. You guessed it, it’s Valentine’s Day! The one day in the year people take to express their love and admiration for their partners and partners to be! If you’re drawing a blank on how to make your special someone’s heart throb, this list is for you!

Reserving a dinner

A way to someone’s heart is through the stomach. Figuring out what their favorite cuisine is and taking care of the bill is an amazing way to show your attentiveness towards their palette. There are tons of ways to find a restaurant that not only serves the best romantic ambiance and also reasonable prices that won’t have you breaking the bank. TikToks and Instagram reels are a great tool to utilize. There are food reviewers who take time to explore different restaurants and the range of their prices. Another method is using Google or Apple Maps. You’ll be able to not only determine how long it will take for you to get there but also show their menus and customer reviews.

Making a video

If you’re on the younger side or just want another creative way to express your love, then making a cute video can be a great idea! Compiling your favorite photos and videos into a music montage is another amazing way to show how your experiences with them have impacted you and gives them the chance to see your time together through your eyes. It’s definitely something more heartfelt and can’t be found in stores!

Get them something that they’ve been talking about in passing

To be loved is to be seen. This one requires you to be a bit attentive. If your partner has taken an interest in something, it would be a nice gesture for you to invest in it for them. Whether it’s an item or an experience, taking the time to not only take the monetary initiative but to also dive deeper as to why it interests them is a great way to appeal to their need for acts of service.

Complete their to-do list

If your partner is someone who is a workaholic and never takes time for themselves, then this is the perfect time to give them that much needed break. Even when they’re not at work, busybodies tend to still find ways to fill up their agendas. Make sure to plop them down on their favorite seat in front of their favorite bingeable series with snacks in tow! Crossing off their to-dos and allowing them to indulge in self care is the perfect gesture.

DIY it Up!

If you’re someone who’s into arts and crafts, now’s the time to put your skills to use. There’s a plethora of ways to go about this. You can make a scrapbook, which would be a tangible version of the video in which you’d compile your favorite memories together. If you’re more of an artist, you can draw them a picture of them or something that they like. Get as creative as you can because the possibilities are endless!

Don’t forget about letters!

In the digital age, the written word has died and fizzled out. It has become a lost art but that doesn’t mean you can’t revive it! Taking the time to write a letter professing your love shows how much you care for someone as opposed to sending a message through text. There’s a certain level of thoughtfulness that comes with it and it can become a physical momento to be cherished for years and years to come! If writing isn’t your specialty, you can invest in a freelance writer to help you out!

Sticking to the classics

While a heart full of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers have been done before, there’s a reason why they’re a tried and true gift. Some people love the sentiment. If your partner is someone who likes to keep things simple for the holiday, this is a  perfect way to simply say, “I love you”.

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be a day that you’re sweating bullets over. There are tons of ways to reaffirm your affection or for some, make it known in the first place. Hopefully these ideas have got your wheels turning as to how to impress that special someone! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Contributing Editor: Divina Boko

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